
Guest lecture International Commercial Courts Cyprus

Xandra Kramer gave a guest lecture on ‘International commercial courts: a game changer in international litigation?’ at the Neapolis University Pafos in Cyprus on 12 April 2024. She discussed the rise of international commercial courts in the Middle East and Europe, in the context of needs of international business, court specialisation and access to justice and in relation to international arbitration.

Focussing on key features of these courts she gave insights on the different courts, and in particular the Singapore and Netherlands Commercial Court. Highlighting some innovative features and the opportunities the Hague Judgments Convention of 2019 offers, she concluded that these courts have an effect on the international litigation market, but they have not triggered a huge shift from arbitration or other courts to these new business courts.


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Published: May 27, 2019

Alina Ontanu, Emma van Gelder and Erlis Themeli in collaboration with Priskila Penasthika, Georgia Antonopoulou and Marta Kolacz, coached the Erasmus Law School team in the Pax Moot Court 2019 on Private International Law.

Four students from the Erasmus University Rotterdam were selected to participate in the Pax Moot Court to represent the Erasmus School of Law (ESL): Mirna van Oers, Sarah Mourahine, Stijn Voogt and Azdin Mataich. The students had to prepare a case which concerned issues on same-sex marriage, child adoption and labour law issues. The first month the students studied international private law intensively in order to submit the written Memorials in April 2019. The Memorial of our team was received very well by the judges of the Pax Moot team.

The weeks before the pleadings were devoted to practicing their oral pleadings. On Friday 24 May, the first round of pleadings was held at Sorghvliet Gymnasium in The Hague. The team competed against the University of Antwerp and against Paris Dauphine University in the morning. In the afternoon, the team had to compete against the University of Heidelberg and Sciences Po. Although the students debated intensively with sharp arguments and got involved into heated pleadings, the score was just too low to make it to the finals.

All in all we are proud of our students and it was a great experience coaching them.