APPLIED workshop
Videos NCC seminar dispute resolution clauses published
As announced earlier Xandra Kramer participated in a webinar on jurisdiction clauses organised by the Netherlands Commercial Court (NCC) in November 2024, together with professor Krzeminski, Judge Bom (President NCC District Court) Judge Oranje (President NCC Court of Appeal), Mr Visser (NCC Registrar) and Ms Borrius (Partner at Florent law firm, moderator).
The NCC has now published the highlights of this webinar in the form of 13 short clips regarding different subject-matters discussed, including choosing between different types of dispute resolution, costs of the procedure, and enforcement: A compilatin of the entire webinar has been made available on Vimeo:

Published: October 24, 2024

On October 23rd Jos Hoevenaars joined an international group of experts in a workshop organized by the researchers of the Assessing Collective Private Parties’ Litigation in the Economy of Data (APPLIED) project. It aims to explore the evolving landscape of data protection litigation within the EU, focusing on the effectiveness of collective private enforcement (CPE). The workshop’s goal was to connect the relevant debates in the field of collective redress and data protection law, as well as explore how they relate to issues of private enforcement in the emerging fields of platform and data law. It brought together academics working in various fields surrounding collective data protection litigation in the EU. Jos was asked to comment on the project design and preliminary findings as well as provide reflections based on his expertise around the funding of collective actions.
More on the APPLIED project can be found here.