
Videos NCC seminar dispute resolution clauses published

As announced earlier Xandra Kramer participated in a webinar on jurisdiction clauses organised by the Netherlands Commercial Court (NCC) in November 2024, together with professor Krzeminski, Judge Bom (President NCC District Court) Judge Oranje (President NCC Court of Appeal), Mr Visser (NCC Registrar) and Ms Borrius (Partner at Florent law firm, moderator).

The NCC has now published the highlights of this webinar in the form of 13 short clips regarding different subject-matters discussed, including choosing between different types of dispute resolution, costs of the procedure, and enforcement: A compilatin of the entire webinar has been made available on Vimeo:

See also the post of the NCC on LinkedIn and their website.


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Published: November 24, 2021

Carlota Ucín participated in the event organized by Serra Dominguez Foundation (Spain) where she developed some of the ideas of her book (Juicio a la desigualdad, Marcial Pons, 2021). In particular, she focused on the proportionality test within the Public Interest Litigation cases showing how the role of judges in these cases could be legitimated in an argumentative way. The event took place in Valencia the 11 and 12 November 2021.